Social Wellness
“There isn't time. So brief is life for bickering, apologies, heartburning, calling to account. There is only time for loving. And but an instant, so to speak, for that…" —Mark Twain.
This quote speaks to another aspect of wellness that is vital to health and success: Social well-being. Relationships matter! This is easy to say but takes as much investment as physical and financial well-being.
Some find creating relationships, whether deep or superficial, easier than others. Some struggle to have a single strong relationship while others appear to have a bountiful group of friends. First and foremost, we must stop comparing ourselves to others and start working on what can be controlled.
Invest in a friendship. Whether it be with a significant other, coworker, or another friend. Reach out, grab a cup of coffee, and catch up regularly. Pick up the phone and do something crazy, use it to talk to that friend or family member. Don’t allow relationships to go by the wayside. Not only is it a sad way to live a life, but it is detrimental to our health.
A quick review of an 80-year study by Harvard on men’s health shows that regardless of what else happens in a person’s life, relationships matter. Individuals who are invested in good relationships from early on until their senior years are healthier. People are healthier when they are socially healthy. Sure it would be awesome if our friendships from second grade were as healthy today as they were back then, but in reality, it is never too late to start investing in relationships.
Only recently I have started joining two amazing individuals for coffee twice a month. Duane and Steve, thank you for the invitation. It is awesome! I learn so much. I look forward to our conversations. At one point in my career, I had an equally strong meeting weekly with a group of friends at IHOP. I am not one who builds relationships easily, but I have learned that this aspect of wellness is as, or more, important than all other aspects of wellness.
“Reach out to a friend you have not connected with in a while, or a family member that is distant, and rekindle a friendship to make you and them healthier.”