Spiritual Wellness
Spiritual wellness is often considered the glue that binds the other wellness dimensions together. It is a connection to someone or something larger than oneself—a “unifying force” if you will. For some of us spiritual wellness is a prayer life or a belief in God, Allah, Yahweh, or a deity of another name. For others, this dimension of wellness exists in a yoga pose on the beach or a walk on a mountain path. In reality, spirituality is a connection.
Spiritual wellness is commonly misunderstood, especially in the business world.* Among other reasons, spirituality is non-concrete and requires a great deal of vulnerability. There is an expectation in many organizations that religion or faith be checked at the company door because it is polarizing. Yet, in the world of business, spirituality may often offer the higher perspective, or connection, that many leaders and organizations need to feel grounded.
Spiritual wellness helps us to realize that we do not exist on an island. There is much in our life that is within our sphere of control and some other things that are within our sphere of influence, but much else that is neither. Accepting and embracing this makes the work we do more meaningful and rewarding.
When we let go of those things that are no longer within our control or even our influence we can focus on what is important and manageable. All too often I get wound up (less so at 54 than I did at 34) and it is about something that I should just overlook. In the grand scheme of things, I have to ask myself, will this issue matter in 100 years, or even in 100 days?
Grasping spiritual wellness provides a sense of calm. It relieves anxiety and allows us to reside in and believe in a power beyond our own results. Greater peace offers greater productivity because we become focused on what we can control instead of what we cannot control.
I often offer a prayer for others that they receive a “peace that surpasses all understanding.” This peace we all find in different ways and from different sources. Yet it is this peace that we should aspire to attain. It will fuel greater growth and wellness for the rest of our lives.
*Horton, B. W. & Snyder, C.S., 2009
“Take time today to pray or mediate, go for a walk in your neighborhood, or sing a favorite hymn. Find a way to nourish your spiritual wellness. ”